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Instant 3 1

The Instant Pot Duo 7-in-1 Pressure Cooker is a must-have for every busy home chef. With a simple press of a button, you can instantly steam vegetables, cook meat, stews, and casseroles, or even treat yourself to homemade yogurt! You can also delay cooking up to. Civ 5 natural wonders mod. Using an Instant Pot can be intimidating until you know how to use it! Watching someone explain how to use and Instant Pot can make everything so much easier. Instant Pots can be found with 3-quart, 6-quart and 8-quart capacities, but not every model comes in every size. A 3-quart Instant Pot is suited to cooking meals for one or two people, as long as you aren't interested in batch cooking. The Lux, Duo, Duo Plus, and Ultra come in 3-quart sizes.

  1. Instant 3 Qt Pot
  2. Instant Oatmeal 1/3 Cup

Lucky lemons slot machine. See #Causes


Ifinance 4 your finances at a glance v4 5 11. #F82423 (red)‌[Java Edition only]


Touch forms pro 7 30 17. Positive (negative for undead mobs)

This article may need cleanup to comply with the style guide.[discuss]
Please help the Minecraft Wiki clean up this page if you can.
The talk page may contain suggestions.

Instant Health is an instant status effect that increases health for living mobs and damages the undead.

  • 5Data values


Instantly heals 2 × 2level. In the upcoming Combat Tests, it heals 3 × 2level.Undead mobs (including the wither) are damaged as if with Instant Damage, instead. If the effect is forced to last longer than one tick, it heals entities every tick (with the exception of lingering potions, which heal every second). Levels 30–32 provide no healing. Amplifiers outside the range 0–31 (corresponding to levels 1–32) are used modulo 32.


CausePotencyHealsHarms UndeadLengthNotes
Potion of HealingI4InstantWitches drink this potion when damaged.
Potion of Healing IIII8InstantTwo of these potions can be found on a brewing stand in end ships.
Splash Potion of HealingI46InstantWitches throw one of these two during raids.
Splash Potion of Healing IIII812 × 6Instant
Lingering Potion of HealingI2 per second
10 total
3 per second
15 × 7.5 total
Lingering Potion of Healing IIII4 per second
20 × 10 total
6 per second
30 × 15 total
Arrow of HealingI46Instant
Arrow of Healing IIII812 × 6Instant
3/1 usmc


PotionReagent, Base Extended EnhancedEffects

Potion of Healing

Potion of Healing
Instant Health
Restores 4 per potion.

Instant Health II
Restores 8 per potion.

Immune mobs[edit]

Only the ender dragon is immune. However, undead mobs are harmed by this effect.

Data values[edit]


This section is about the effect IDs. For the IDs on potions, see Potion § Item data. For for the IDs on tipped arrows, see Arrow § Item data.

Java Edition:

NameNamespaced IDNumeric ID Translation key
Instant Healthinstant_health 6effect.minecraft.instant_health

Instant 3 Qt Pot

Bedrock Edition:

NameNamespaced IDNumeric ID Translation key
Instant Healthinstant_health 6potion.heal

Instant Oatmeal 1/3 Cup


This article is missing information about when was it added, add itś debuff date, when the potions, splash potions, lingering potions, and arrows were added.
Please expand the article to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
Java Edition
Beta 1.8Added Instant Health.
1.613w23aNerfed Instant health to heal 2x2level, was 3x2level.
1.1519w41a Added an effect icon texture for Instant Health.
Upcoming Java Edition
Combat TestsCombat Test 8bHealing potions now heal 3x2level instead of 2x2level, similar to Instant Damage and pre-1.6.
Pocket Edition Alpha
0.11.0build 1Added Instant Health, which is unobtainable.
0.12.1build 1Instant Health can now obtained from Potion of Healing and splash potions of healing.
0.14.0build 1Added witches, which can be granted Instant Health by drinking potions.
0.15.0build 1Added Arrow of Healing that inflict Instant Health.
Pocket Edition
1.0.0alpha Health can now be obtained from lingering potions of healing.
Legacy Console Edition
TU7CU1 1.0 Patch 11.0.1Added Instant Health, which can be obtained by a Potion of Healing or Splash Potion of Healing.
TU46CU36 1.38 Patch 15Added the Lingering Potion of Healing.
Added the Arrow of Healing.
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Instant 3 1
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