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Circus Ponies Notebook 3 0 10 (477) Ubkg Download Free

Circus Ponies NoteBook is an application that helps Mac users manage all those bits of information that lack a good home. Whether it's the notes, clippings, and to dos of your life, or the e-mails, diagrams and spreadsheets of that important project. With NoteBook, you organize your information naturally, using a familiar notebook interface, complete with pages and tabs, sections and subsections. Add notes and other text. Drag in files and folders. Even 'clip' web research, mail messages and other content into your Notebooks without leaving the application you're working in. Annotate your information with diagrams and sketches, highlighting and keywords. Take voice-annotated notes that you can download to your iPod. And protect private thoughts with passwords, covers, and encryption. Find anything instantly using NoteBook's patented Multidex™, that locates information based on what you remember about it: a name or number, the date you entered it, a keyword you assigned, even any combination. Then share it all by creating PDFs or publishing your Notebooks to the web, including direct web export to your MobileMe account. NoteBook's Starting Point templates make it easy to get started. With pre-built Notebooks for managing your to dos, writing a research paper, preparing for a trial, and more, you're already organized — just enter your information and go.
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  4. Using Circus Ponies Notebook to collect and sort information for your thesis (or article) 2014-09-02 Reading time: 6 minutes Someone asked me whether it is possible to use Circus Ponies Notebook to 'code' papers for a thesis.





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Circus Ponies Notebook 3 0 10 (477) Ubkg Download Free Download

Circus Ponies Notebook 3 0 10 (477) Ubkg Download Free
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